Revelations about The News of the World phone hacking add to a history of misleadership by newspapers and other media, when we need them to perform a key role in keeping us informed, and politicians and other leaders honest.
As editors, owners and top politicians duck and dive, denying knowledge and bleating about how evil the culprits were, they exhibit all four aspects of MisLeadership: Missing, Misguided, Misinformed and Machiavellian.
To change them (editors, owners and top politicians) from an often negative into a positive force will take all eight of the steps suggested in our book 'MisLeadership: Prevalence, Causes and Consequences': 1. Wake up! 2. Take responsibility, 3. Have transparency in all that you do, 4. Prepare a force field analysis, 5. Adopt effective problem-solving approaches, 6. Take a global perspective, 7. Work towards anew paradigm of thought, 8. Develop a contemporary mission
As with so many current issues, this is urgent and global, but experience tells us that little will be done. It is the first two steps that are crucial: 1. wake up to what has been going on, its prevalence, causes and consequences, and how it links to such aspects as MP's expense claims and domination of access to and quality of information by a very few powerful individuals. 2. Take responsibility for failure to act in the past and for taking the necessary globally fit leadership decisions and actions required.
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