Tuesday, 14 September 2010

4. BP Oil Leak in the Gulf of Mexico

BP engineers noticed high pressure readings on guages and other warnings of trouble yet continued drilling. This was Misinformed in that they should have been aware of the potential consequences of ignoring such warnings. It was also Misguided in that their failure to stop drilling and take some form of preventive action ultimately led to loss of life, pollution of a large area of the Gulf and massive losses for BP. If they were deliberately taking risks with other people's lives in the hope of personal gain, they were also being Machiavellian.

President Obama was also MisGuided when he washed his hands of finding a solution, instead leaving it to BP. This was presumably done in an attempt to ensure the organisation responsible for the mess cleared it up but he should have adopted a wider viewpoint, looking for the approach that would achieve the best outcome for humanity. If his actions were done for political reasons such as to shore up his own popularity, that would be Machiavellian.

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