Saturday, 25 September 2010

7. Commonwealth Games

In the next few weeks, the Commonwealth Games take place in New Delhi, India amid mounting fears of building collapse and other disasters following claims of shoddy workmanship and corruption.

If you were 'in charge' what would you do? Going ahead could lead to major loss of life but cancellation would definitely lead to extreme loss of face for all involved. It is easy to say those in charge should not take risks with other peoples' lives and to do so is at least Misguided and possibly Machiavellian Leadership but it would require a fantastic amount of mental and spiritual courage to cancel at this stage.

'Groupthink' tells us the likely decision will be 'no decision' i.e. no-one will be strong enough to bite the bullet. Missing Leadership. As individuals, those involved may see and take the right decision / action but in a group no-one wants to be the one who breaks ranks and may be held as scapegoat. It is also possible to hide personal responsibilty behind collective responsibility, possibly even claiming ignorance - Misinformed Leadership. Without a very strong decision to cancel, the Games will go ahead due to passage of time - Missing Leadership.

If you were a participant, would you go? Similar thoughts may apply but here it is more personal - you would be putting your own life on the line - is the possible glory worth that? Only your personal spirituality could decide that.

What about your friends and relations? Would they want you to go, or risk being labelled a coward if you drop out? Do you know theiir true feelings - have you asked them? If not, there is a danger of Misinformed Leadership if you take the decision without relevant facts to hand.

It may be possible to fudge it by feigning injury. That protects your own future while not taking a strong stance for or against the Games taking place.

Psychology is such that some participants may genuinely believe they are injured and have the physical symptoms when in fact it is their mind trying to protect itself from danger.

Leadership is not a game - and neither are these Games!

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