Saturday, 25 September 2010

6. Thoughts of The Pope

Last week The Pope visited the United Kingdom.

Millions of people world-wide expect strong and clear leadership from him. If that is not forthcoming, it is surely a case of MisLeadership.
What must he have been thinking?

Knowing how many of his priests have been involved in paedophilia and the strong feelings regarding the way he dealt with it over a very long period and continues to deal with it.

Knowing how many people in Africa die from AIDS and other STDs, that the world's population is out of control and rising rapidly, yet insisting on Catholics not using contraceptives because The Bible tells us to 'go forth and multiplty'.

Knowing the poverty and starvation faced by billions - yet living himself in absolute luxury surrounded by all manner of riches.

Knowing homosexuality is natural and many of his followers are gay, yet having to maintain The Bible line.

If he does not know all the above facts, it is Miinformed Leadership.

If he does know the facts yet fails to act in a way to help solve the issues, it is Misguided Leadership.

If he fails to act, it is Missing Leadership.

And if any of the above are due to the desire to keep himself and / or his organisation in power at the expense of humanity, it is Machiavellian Leadership.

Is this the leadership his God wants from him?

What else could he do while remaining true to the faith?

A very similar situation as that faced by his predecessors when Galileo revealed the fact that the earth goes round the sun and is thus not the centre of everything with hell below and heaven above - his predecessors forced Gallileo to recant, on threat of torture.

Would you apply for his job?

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